- On Sarah Sweeney’s ‘Tell Me If You’re Lying’, The Coil
- Talking about my first publication for My Big Little Break with Barrelhouse
- Pine Hills Review: Mythmaking, second-hand information, and outright lies: An Interview with Sarah Sweeney
- The Sweetest Debut: Sarah Sweeney on Dropping Everything to Write and Blake Shelton as Muse, Flavorwire
- Shoutout from MOJO magazine on my Tumbleweed Records liner notes
- I was in an online panel about the S-Town podcast over at Barrelhouse
- If My Book at Monkeybicycle
- Interview, American Microreviews and Interviews
- Write-up for Madonna and Me via The Atlantic
- Interview, fringe magazine
- A Chat with Sarah Sweeney via The Collagist
- Interview with Madonna and Me contributor Sonia Kamal
- My playlist during the making of Tell Me If You’re Lying via Largeheartedboy (Scroll to “Sarah Sweeney”)